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Omar Faroque, Md. Rafiqul Islam, Md. Obaidur Rahman, Md. Mominul Islam

남아시아 일반 국외연구자료 기타 Omar Faroque, Md. Rafiqul Islam, Md. Obaidur Rahman, Md. Mominul Islam Beijing Law Review 발간일 : 2013-01-01 등록일 : 2016-02-24

Maternity leave is an important benefit to the female employees and it plays important role to increase organizational loyalty, efficiency and job satisfaction, particularly in the Non-Government Organizations (NGOs). The objective of the study is to assess the laws and implementation of the maternity benefits at the diverse NGOs on different working echelon inBangladesh. Descriptive statistics and zero order correlation method have been performed using the data haul out from one hundred female employees experiencing at least one child at the different NGOs inKurigram District,Bangladesh. Among all female employees, salary structure and the managerial position are not satisfactory at NGOs in Bangladesh, although higher education of females plays an important role to get the job. In case of maternity benefits, all of them have got three or four months as maternity leave period and a significant number have not got any types of payment during maternity leave (27%), have not enjoyed maternity leave properly (24%), and have been terminated, sent away or expelled etc. due to maternity leave (19%). In addition, an inverse relation of duration of maternity leave with age (26.4%) and length of service (34.1%) has also been identified i.e., duration of maternity leave decreases with increasing employees’ age and length of services. In our study, evidently there are no NGO practices laws of maternity benefit properly in Bangladesh. Therefore, every NGO should administer and implement the Laws of maternity benefit properly.


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