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태국 국외연구자료 기타 Ruethai Nimnoi, S Sudarshan Rao Trends in Information Management 발간일 : 2013-01-01 등록일 : 2016-02-26 원문링크

Purpose: The main aim of the paper is to create awareness of the Thai Cultural Collections Database, http://m-culture.in.th and to explain the techniques and methods used for creating the cultural objects database.

Methodology: The study follows the survey method. Collection of cultural information for development of cultural directory in the form of digital cultural collections by the Cultural Knowledge Center (Thailand) comprises of four important steps, namely (1) preparation for data collection; (2) field data collection by local staff; (3) data filtering by a workgroup appointed by the Cultural Knowledge Center (Thailand); and (4) data recording and dissemination through website of the center. Data collected includes cultural information, geographic coordinates of the sources (GPS), photos, visual media and animations illustrating texts. The data collection methods are through individual and group interviews, review of documents of cultural organizations, and visits to the cultural sites.

Findings: Scattering of cultural information and problems with performance of the Cultural Knowledge Center (Thailand) itself, such as insufficiency of data collected, substandard illustrations, personnel’s lack of technology skills, and ambiguous operation manual, etc, which make it difficult for personnel of the center to operate properly. However, at present, the website of the Cultural Knowledge Center (Thailand) contains over 50,000 items of information and has been visited more than two million times. Moreover, the website gives all users a chance to participate in collection and sharing of cultural information and experiences in order to continue the culture, tradition and other good things that show the glory of Thailand through the community website.

Research Implications/Value: The study would be helpful to information seekers, scholars and cultural collections’ database designers and also to those concerned with the cultural objects information and their preservation for posterity.

Keywords: Digital cultural collections; Cultural data collection; Data collection techniques and methods; Cultural Knowledge Center (Thailand); Cultural information; Thai cultural information; Cultural database; Thai cultural information category; Thai cultural information type; Cultural objects database

Paper Type: Technical

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