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Sustainable Peace: Developing Peace Education Based on Sustainable Coastal-Tourism in Ciantir and Badegur Coasts, Banten, Indonesia

인도네시아 국외연구자료 기타 S. H. Hengky Journal of Management Research 발간일 : 2014-10-22 등록일 : 2016-05-24 원문링크

The aim of the research is to develop sustainable peace education in Ciantir and Badegur Coastal tourism, Banten, Indonesia based on sustainable tourism, and responding to the statement of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy. This study is essential in addressing the conflict over space: social, environmental, and territorial, because it’s become the basis for sustainable peace education. This study found: Ciantir coast is the most potential in developing sustainable peace; and Badegur coast is potential in developing sustainable peace. The main points that would be enhanced is strengthening the basis for sustainable peace education: Firstly, political will of the local government need to be enhanced in the future to improve the performance of sustainable peace; and Secondly, cross-cultural interaction and form interaction would be improved as well. However, these interactions stimulate dialogue and exchange, break down cultural barriers and promote the values of tolerance, and mutual understanding and respect. The values espoused by the tourists are integral to building a future more peaceful and tolerant.

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