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Deprofessionalisation as a Performance Management Dysfunction: The Case of Inclusive Education Teachers in Russia

러시아 국외연구자료 기타 Mariia Rubtcova, Oleg Pavenkov, Vladimir Pavenkov, Natalia Martianova, Denis Martianov Asian Social Science 발간일 : 2015-06-11 등록일 : 2016-12-07 원문링크

This article examines two important phenomena related to the performance-based assessment challenges of the teaching profession: deprofessionalisation and dealtruisation. Theoretical analyses have allowed us to draw conclusions concerning the trends in the teaching profession, its relations with dealtrusation and deprofessionalisation, and the various contradictions associated with the performance of professionals in their social role during performance-based reforms. Based on Merton’s methodology of altruism research—and partly debating with modern approaches to deprofessionalisation—we have chosen inclusive education teachers as a special group, which under the influence of dysfunctional performance management requirements became dealtruistic to the greatest extent. In this study, convenience sampling and in-depth interviews have been used. The sample consisted of 57 inclusive education teachers. Data processing was carried out with the use of Corpus Tool 3.1.14. As a result, based on the typology of altruistic behaviour, as introduced by Merton, we have identified the type of behaviour amongst teachers, which leads us to the formulation of educational and school policy recommendations. The authors suggest that a more in-depth study of the experience of other countries will help with the development of a more optimal version of educational reforms and its continuation.

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