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Effectiveness of legal and institutional framework for juvenile justice in Bangladesh: a critical analysis

방글라데시 국외연구자료 기타 M. Rezaul ISLAM, Anwarul Islam SIKDER Social Research Reports 발간일 : 2014-12-17 등록일 : 2017-02-20 원문링크

In Bangladesh, the level of implementation and enforcement of legislations particularly related to juvenile justice is far away from expectation. Attempt has been made to conduct a research to find out the weaknesses and shortcomings of these legislations and also the implementation mechanism. Collecting data mainly from secondary sources such as national and international legislations, conventions and partly taking feedback from relevant focus group discussion (FGD) and key informant indicator (KII) the issue was examined and analysed. From the study it is found that the legislations are not suitable and updated for an effective Juvenile Justice System. The machinery to enforce these legislations and to provide optimum service to the juveniles is not appropriate. Hence it is recommended that along with other laws the Children Act 1974, the most important law relating to juvenile justice should be updated keeping conformity with the international standard. Juvenile courts in all districts and sufficient well equipped certified institutions should be established. However, it is equally important to provide necessary resources for activities related to child welfare, adoption of diversion and non custodial measures which will reduce the frequency of children’s coming contact with the law. In the long run, it is required to develop non-criminogenic attitude and behaviour of children by engaging themselves in socially useful activities, providing them a non-polluted congenial environment and adopting a humanistic orientation towards society and life.


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