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A comparative analysis of subjective picture of life path of convicts who are registered in criminal – executive inspection

러시아 국외연구자료 기타 Debolsky M.G, Levin L.M, Bokova N.V Psihologiâ i Pravo 발간일 : 2016-08-19 등록일 : 2017-03-22 원문링크

One of the most effective ways of psycho-prophylactic work with offenders is to work with the subjective picture of the life history of individual development, which unfolds in real space and time. Subject of research – regularities of manifestation of the subjective picture of life path at the persons consisting on the account in UII, and their influence on the further development and formation of personality. The basis for the studies provided PKU "Criminal – Executive inspection" of the FPS of Russia in Moscow. The sample consisted of 50 men aged 20 to 62 years, consisting on the account in UII. Of these, 25 persons are registered under article 228 of the criminal code, and 25 – under article 159 of the criminal code. Each convict, during the conversation, assess your psychological age, the intensity of each of the five years of his life, painted "Circles's Cottle's", were isolated 7 – 8 the most significant events of the past, as well as determined plans for the future. The study revealed similarities and differences in subjective picture of life path in each study group. Based on the results of the study were proposed measures for psycho-prophylactic work with these categories of persons.


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