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[사회] The Effects of the Turkish Culture in Foundation of the Afghan State

아프가니스탄 국외연구자료 학술논문 Orhan Yazıcı, Numan Durak Aksoy Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences 발간일 : 2010-12-31 등록일 : 2018-01-19 원문링크

In the lands where the Afghan state was founded, the Turkish domination continued without interruption by the Abdalis (/Durranis) period due to the living of the Skyth, Yue-chi, Kushan, Akhuns (/Ephtalit), Ghaznavid, Seljukid, Khwarezmshah, Ilhanid, Timurid, Baburid, Safavid ana Afsharid in the same lands in the past. Fort his reason, Turkish population ana domination was never missed in important cities such as Herat, Qandahar, Ghazni, Kabul and with their political superiority, The cultural activations continued without interruption. The Afghan tribes that ussed the lack of authority occured in the end of political developments in India ana Persia in middle of XVIIIth century, founded a new state in Qandahar joining together. This new political force that was founded in the leadership of Ahmad Shah Abdali, expanted its borders at the short time from Khurasan in west to Deccan plateau in southeast. This state that was founded by Ahmad Shah in 1747, however went down to history as “Afghan State or Afghanistan” due to its geography, when considered to ancestors of the founders, the symbols of domination and the military and administrative titles in state goverment, it has been showing that this state was a pursuance of the previous Turkish states and the Turkish culture had very important effects on this new state

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