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[군사] "Polite People" and Military Meekness: the Attributes of Military Ethics

러시아 국외연구자료 학술논문 Pavel V. Didov Voennyi Sbornik 발간일 : 2016-12-31 등록일 : 2018-02-23 원문링크

The article analyzes the phenomenon of "polite people" from the point of view of the history and theory of ethical thought. Identify and specify ethical principles that form the basis of military courtesy. On the basis of the revealed regularities, the study proves that ethics is impossible without a certain power attributes, which constitute its core. In relation to the traditions of Russian warriors revealed the key role to their formation of the Orthodox ethics and the military of meekness. The obtained results can serve as material for educational activities for the formation of fighting spirit.

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