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[교육] Formation of Public Consciousness, Spiritual and Moral Culture of Students in the System of Continuous Pedagogical Education

러시아ㆍ유라시아 일반 / 러시아 / 벨라루스 / 우크라이나 / 카자흐스탄 국외연구자료 학술논문 Alma Esimbekovna Abylkassymova, Kalney Valentina Alexeyevna, Shishov Sergey Evgenyevich Tarih Kültür ve Sanat Araştırmaları Dergisi 발간일 : 2018-03-31 등록일 : 2018-04-26 원문링크

The article is written within the framework of the project "Formation of social consciousness and spiritual & moral culture of students in the system of continuous pedagogical education on the basis of the patriotic idea "Mangilik El". There is an imposition through the media, including the Internet, on the territory of Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, etc. Western, supposedly "universal" values with an emphasis on liberalism and the free market. Only the rights and freedoms of the individual, without emphasis on the laws of community living in society, are put at the center of this work. It divides, individualizes society, provokes in the youth environment of excessive competition. The article presents the results of the study self-positioning of student youth. Young people's perception of themselves and their expectations of others portray an image of a person living in a state of heightened anxiety and a highly actualized need for security, material well-being and recognition focused on himself/herself and private life, ready for action and responsibility in the distance of his/her inner circle. The key components of his ideas about success in life: family and children, financial well-being, business work (55-60%) emerge from this self-attitude. Complement the normative model of success self-realization and the possibility of self-manifestation, education, health, beauty, sports (35-40%). The second plan – the criteria of success associated with the outside world (to be useful to society and people – 18%, recognition and respect from others, finding important contacts and connections, access to information and communication in social networks – 12-15%, politics and participation in political and public organizations – 1%). The model of success in life of young people today is largely confined to the man himself.

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