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[언어] 러시아어, 폴란드어, 세르보-크로아티아어에서 논항의 부정 생격과 부가어의 부정 생격에 대한 연구

중동부유럽 일반 국내연구자료 학술논문 서승현 슬라브어연구 발간일 : 2008-07-31 등록일 : 2018-06-15 원문링크

In the field of Slavic linguistics genitive of negation phenomena have been one of the main issues. In this paper I provide an analysis of so called "genitive of negation of arguments which are direct objects and adjuncts which are adverbial duration or measure phrases" in Russian, Polish and Serbo-Croatian. Even though Borovikoff(1997) argues that negated genitive arguments and adjuncts in cross-Slavic languages systematically exhibit similar characteristics and pattern together, the cross-linguistic Slavic data still show a few distinctions among Russian, Polish and Serbo-Croatian. In case of negated direct objects, compared with Russian Polish shows a tendency to stick to obligatory use of genitive of negation while Russian can have an option between genitive and accusative in the majority of cases. However, Russian takes only an accusative direct object in object-controlled infinitival clause whereas Polish direct object in the embedded clause only receives an accusative case since CP functions as a barrier for an expending of negation. Moreover, Serbo-Croatian exhibits the least use of genitive of negation and uses accusative cases in every syntactic structure. In terms of adjuncts, meanwhile, Russian and Polish behave somewhat similarly in licensing a case to adjunct phrases when negated verbs are used. Actually, a genitive case and an accusative case are acceptable in adjunct phrases in both languages. As mentioned above, the use of genitive of negation in Serbo-Croatian is archaic and rarely used in the modern language. However, unlike the argument of Franks & Dziwirek(1993) the expressions of genitive arguments and adjuncts are not totally extinct. According to the informant, I can confirm that the use of genitive case exists among old-aged people's conversations or in archaic literary styles. Then, it is also true that the genitive of negation in Serbo-Croatian is one of the linguistic phenomena that have gradually died off in writing as well as in speaking.

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