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[경제] Lessons from the Monetary and Fiscal History of Latin America

중남미 일반 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - FRB of Minneapols 발간일 : 2020-07-27 등록일 : 2020-08-19 원문링크

Studying the modern economic histories of eleven of the largest countries in Latin America teaches us that a lack of fiscal discipline has been at the root of most of the region's macroeconomic instability. The lack of fiscal discipline, however, takes various forms, not all of them measured in the primary deficit. Especially important have been implicit or explicit guarantees to the banking system; denomination of the debt in US dollars and short maturity of the debt; and transfers to some agents in the private sector, which are large in times of crisis and are not part of the budget approved by the national congresses. Comparing the histories of our eleven countries, we see that rather than leading to an economic contraction, fiscal stabilization generally leads to growth. On the other hand, rising commodity prices are no guarantee of economic growth, nor are falling commodity prices a guarantee of economic contraction.

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다음글 [경제] The Monetary and Fiscal History of Brazil, 1960-2016 2020-09-11
