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[경제] Long-Term Care in Belarus

벨라루스 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2021-03-19 등록일 : 2021-04-02 원문링크

There are many definitions of long-term care (LTC) in the literature on the subject. That said, LTC could be uniformly defined as a range of services required by persons with a reduced degree of functional capacity (physical or cognitive) and who are consequently dependent for an extended period on external assistance with basic activities of daily living (ADL). LTC services can also be combined with lower-level care related to assistance with the so-called instrumental ADL (for example, domestic help or help with organization and administration). According to the World Health Organization (WHO) the goal of LTC is ‘to ensure that people with significant loss of intrinsic capacity can maintain a level of functional ability consistent with their basic rights, fundamental freedoms and human dignity.’ LTC organization and financing of the formal LTC systems vary between countries. Formal care services can imply significant financial costs. There is huge variation in the size of the formal care workforce, infrastructure, and service delivery between the various OECD countries. Where people do not have access to, or cannot afford, formal care, and where their families cannot or will not support them, LTC needs will not be met. This leaves those affected without the support they need in order to carry out tasks that most people take for granted, such as washing and getting dressed. The absence of support can have a catastrophic effect on people’s quality of life and even lead to premature death. People who fall outside LTC systems do not receive the necessary services and, since they are often unable to speak up about their situation, little is known about levels of unmet needs or the impact this has on their lives. This report is a first attempt at assessing LTC services in Belarus and the country’s potential needs over the next 30 years. In this report LTC includes all services that are available for the population aged 65 plus, provided in formal and informal sectors, over an extended period, that is, services devised to meet needs that are chronic in nature. Services that are taken into consideration include nursing care, personal care services, home support and care assistance, services and financing in support of informal (family) care, residential care services other than nursing homes, and other social services provided on a LTC basis.

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