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[환경] Gender equality in the midst of climate change: What can the region’s machineries for the advancement of women do?

중남미 일반 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - CEPAL 발간일 : 2021-10-20 등록일 : 2021-11-12 원문링크

This publication recommends actions to enable the machineries for the advancement of women to strengthen gender mainstreaming in public policy instruments and implementation actions in relation to climate change. This would enable the lead agencies and managers responsible for the implementation of public policies on behalf of gender equality and women’s autonomy to become more actively involved, and to play a transformative leadership role in the climate change response, both nationally and internationally. The objectives are to ensure that gender equality and the autonomy of all women and girls, in their diversity, are prioritized and comprehensively addressed in the climate change actions deployed both nationally and regionwide; and to enable women to participate fully as climate actors, bolstering their resilience and that of their communities to fulfil the 2030 Agenda and achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement.
The document is also addressed to the institutions that form the gender architecture in the different branches and levels of government, along with civil society entities, especially feminist organizations, academic sectors, and, in general, all sectors interested and involved in promoting public policies in response to climate change and the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

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