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[경제] Fair taxation and the Euro

중동부유럽 일반 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - ETUI 발간일 : 2023-03-21 등록일 : 2023-04-14 원문링크

This second issue of the SEER Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe for 2022 focuses on ‘Fair taxation and the Euro’. Both issues are critical for the region and have an impact on a number of social and labour concerns that are central to the identity of the SEER Journal. The countries of the western Balkans belong to the group of low taxation countries with low progressivity. This undermines social cohesion and makes public investments in areas including education, health and infrastructure, all critical for the future wellbeing of economies and societies, extremely difficult. Two further articles within the focus topic address the most recent development of Croatia having joined the euro area while Bulgaria has been rejected. Eurozone accession is the final stage of EU integration, so the decision making process in this is indicative of the broader context of the EU’s enlargement strategy. This is why two articles on why and how Croatia’s application was accepted, and Bulgaria’s rejected, deliver further lessons for the entire region.

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