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[환경] Chapter 4 : Vulnerability to Shocks and Climate Change

페루 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2023-04-26 등록일 : 2023-05-11 원문링크

During the last decade, Peru has been successful in reducing poverty and improving shared prosperity. However, because of the high frequency of shocks, sustaining these gains has proven difficult. The incidence and prevalence of shocks is expected to increase because of climate change, creating additional pressure on the capacity of households to respond, cope, and adapt to shocks. To continue the trend toward a reduction in poverty, adapting to this new environment is important. In a context of high exposure to risk and vulnerability, the economic impacts of climate change pose a challenge to efforts to reduce poverty and increase shared prosperity. Evidence on the effects of previous climate shocks may not provide a complete picture of the effects of climate change because accounting for adaptation is difficult. The specific impacts of climate change depend on the effects on the income-generating capacity of households and on the implementation of public and private adaptation initiatives. While government institutions play a key role in helping poor people manage the uncertain risks of climate change, the participation of local governments is limited.

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