[경제] Bosnia and Herzegovina - First Phase of Sava and Drina Rivers Corridors Integrated Development Program using the Multiphase Programmatic Approach Project : Additional Financing
중동부유럽 기타 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2023-06-30 등록일 : 2023-09-24 원문링크
The development objective of the First Phase of Sava and Drina Rivers Corridors Integrated Development Program using the Multiphase Programmatic Approach Project for Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is to improve flood protection and enhance transboundary water cooperation in the Sava and Drina Rivers corridors. The additional financing (AF) will scale up ongoing activities by: (a) expanding the geographic scope to include the Federation of BiH (FBiH) and Brcko District (BD) under BiH components 1 and 2, (b) protecting additional areas and people from floods in the Sava and Drina River basins, and (c) improving environmental management. It will also finance project management under component 3 to cover the expenditures needed to scale-up implementation activities.
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