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[법률] Sustainability and Intellectual Property in Hungary

헝가리 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Sustainability Objectives in Competition and Intellectual Property Law 발간일 : 2024-01-01 등록일 : 2024-01-19 원문링크

Generally,  IP  rights  as  legal  instruments  intend  to  encourage  and  foster  innovation and  creativity,  as  well  as  to  safeguard  values  worth  preserving.  IP  rights  as  intangible assets  facilitate  social  and  economic  growth  and  are  essential  to  fair  competition. While  these  instruments  grant  exclusive  rights,  they  are  likewise  subject  to  a  number of  limitations  aimed  at  achieving  the  right  balance  between  public  interest  and  the interests  of  the  rightsholders. Abovementioned  are  the  basic  objectives  of  IP  rights,  however,  since  their foundations  many  economic  and  social  challenges  triggered  the  need  for  the  review and  adaptation  of  their  legal  framework.  Achieving  sustainability,  as  one  of  the  most pressing  problems  today,  inevitably  desires  the  toolkit  of  IP  rights,  thereby  entailing their  reconsideration  and  targeted  improvement  along  with  the  possibility  of introducing  new  types  of  protections.

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