[사회] A repeasantisation in Poland? New farmers, the peasant mode of production and their situations in local communities
폴란드 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - The Journal of Peasant Studies 발간일 : 2024-02-16 등록일 : 2024-02-16 원문링크
This article discusses Poland's new farmers: people who have left the city to engage in agriculture and urban people with a ruralbackground who return to their villages to start farming. We analysed their mode of production using the categories of van der Ploeg (2018).: We also focused on the relations between the new farmers and their communities. The results show that new farmers farm in a peasant-like way. However, they also constitute a distinctive group benefiting from their urban links. Social and cultural capital plays a crucial role differentiating the new farmers/peasants from traditional peasants.
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