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[사회] How Are Farmer Producer Organisations Functioning in India?

인도 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Economic & Political Weekly 발간일 : 2024-05-31 등록일 : 2024-06-05 원문링크

Farmer producer organisations (FPOs) are becoming policy priorities for most governments across the globe to overcome some of the prominent challenges of small and marginal farmers (GoI 2013). A small asset base, lack of access to markets, credit, extension services, and improved techno­logies, and small scale in production and marketing, weak bargaining power and few opportunities for value addition were some prominent problems of small and marginal farmers. (NCEUS 2008; Barham and Chitemi 2009; Dev 2014; Sharma 2013; Jain et al 2019; Behera and France 2016). These farmers are constrained in their ability to make appropriate decisions regarding cultivation practices and technological expertise, resulting in erosion of profitability (NCEUS 2008). One of the best strategies to improve their situation is the collectivisation into the FPO (Nikam et al 2019), which ensures better access to inputs (Gurung and Choubey 2021; Venkatesan and Sontakki 2017; Nandeesa et al 2013), updated market information (Phansalkar 2020), agro advisory services (Cherukuri and Reddy 2014), advanced and sustainable technology (Raju et al 2017), greater changes in net income (Parthiban et al 2015), and more bargaining power (Singh et al 2019). 

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