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[기업] Is e-business breaking down barriers for Bangladesh’s young female entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 pandemic? A qualitative study

방글라데시 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - SN Social Sciences 발간일 : 2024-05-27 등록일 : 2024-06-14 원문링크

In Bangladesh, where women constitute more than 50% of the population, a disparity in their advancement compared to men persists due to numerous barriers. However, the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic saw a surge in women venturing into e-business as entrepreneurs. This study aims to investigate how e-business contributing to women empowerment in Bangladesh during the Covid-19 pandemic. Employing a qualitative interpretive phenomenological approach and a purposive sample of 30 women engaged in e-commerce, this research illuminates the pivotal role of e-business in empowering women in Bangladesh. Participants involved in e-commerce reported achieving financial independence and autonomy, experiencing a positive transformation in family dynamics, challenging traditional gender norms, and garnering recognition within their communities. E-commerce not only equipped them with technical and financial management skills but also provided access to diverse markets, transcending geographical boundaries, and enhancing their customer outreach throughout Bangladesh. The findings of this study hold significance for policymakers and contribute to the existing literature on women in e-commerce, offering insights into the transformative impact of E-business on women’s empowerment in Bangladesh.

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