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[사회] The New Russian Diaspora: Europe’s Challenge and Opportunity

러시아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - IFRI 발간일 : 2024-06-01 등록일 : 2024-06-14 원문링크

The authors analyze both the open sources and the data collected during a study of the Russian diaspora in European Union (EU) member states, conducted in April 2024 on behalf of the Center for Analysis and Strategies in Europe (CASE) by a team of researchers associated with the University of Nicosia (the findings and methodology of the research are available on the CASE website). The authors argue that the Russians who have recently left their country represent substantial human capital that may be used almost exclusively in Europe or the Americas since both rich historical experience and recent cases of integrating Russians into non-Western societies show that they rarely became successful.
The authors make a clear distinction between classic “emigration” and the current condition of those Russians who left their country, which they prefer to call “relocation”. Those who have relocated are more active and flexible than emigrants have traditionally been; the European authorities can determine the ways and means of their admission, but at the same time, most of them possess financial resources and competencies that can facilitate their future integration into European societies. Studying the Russian diasporas in a number of post-Soviet and Central European nations, the authors depict their positive economic influence on host societies and, using Cyprus as a case study, emphasize how significant it may be even for a developed European country if its authorities pursue a balanced policy aimed at admission and integration of the “relocants”. Assessing the state of the Russian diasporas in Poland, Germany and France, they conclude that this strategy can be used by other EU member states.
The report emphasizes that the massive exodus of educated and self-made Russians presents a serious challenge to Putin’s regime, comparable in its significance to the effect of Western economic sanctions imposed on Russia. Unlike the current sanction policies, which often backfire on Europeans, abetment of Russians’ departure from their country can deliver noticeable economic benefits to the united Europe by creating a broad community of Russians who perceive Europe and the West in general as a close and appreciative ally rather than as an enemy, making little distinction between the Putin regime and the decent Russian people who became its hostages.

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