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[경제] The Singaporean Battlefield for the Chinese New World Order: Norms in the Security Domain

싱가포르 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - ResearchGate 발간일 : 2024-06-01 등록일 : 2024-06-20 원문링크

According to the realist school of International Relations (IR), interna-tional relations and norms are  deeply antinomic. For realists, the relationship between actors in global affairs relies on power and  force rather than any sort of social contract. In Western political thinking, from Plautus and Pliny  the Elder to Montaigne and Hobbes, “a man is a wolf to another man” (“Lupus est homo homini”)—although on the domestic stage, according to Hobbes “man to man is a kind of  God”. Similarly,  in China, Mozi (c. 468–381 BC) held that men are ontologically bad: they hate and cheat each other  and “have no scruples to attack other states” (Mozi, 2008: 109; Reynaert, 2019: 27). This  pessimistic view of man’s nature is at the roots of the realist school in IR, for which (military) power—rather than norms—is key.

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