[사회] Experiences of Ambivalent Sexism in Turkey: Validation of the Experiences with Ambivalent Sexism Inventory and Experiences With Benevolent Sexism Scale
튀르키예 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Sex Roles 발간일 : 2024-11-01 등록일 : 2024-11-20 원문링크
he present study aimed to investigate hostile and benevolent sexist experiences of women in Turkey. We translated and adapted the Experiences with Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (EASI) and the Experiences with Benevolent Sexism Scale (EBSS) to the Turkish culture, which has higher average rates of sexism than the U.S., where the scales were originally developed. Three samples of college women (Ns = 245, 455, and 555) rated the frequencies of EASI and EBSS events. We also assessed participants’ psychological well-being (i.e., life satisfaction, self-esteem, self-efficacy), aspirations, and ambivalent sexist attitudes. The findings provide preliminary support for the construct validity of the scales in a Turkish context, demonstrating that the EASI and EBSS measure benevolent experiences (i.e., protective paternalism, complementary gender differentiation, and heterosexual intimacy) and EASI also assesses hostile experiences (i.e., hostile sexism and heterosexual hostility). More frequent experiences of hostile sexism, protective paternalism, and complementary gender differentiation were related to lower levels of well-being, whereas heterosexual hostility and heterosexual intimacy were related to higher levels of well-being. Heterosexual hostility and heterosexual intimacy were also related to higher extrinsic aspirations. Participants rated benevolent experiences as more frequent but less distressing than hostile ones. Overall, these findings indicate that ambivalent sexist experiences are significant for women’s psychological wellbeing and aspirations.
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