[외교/안보] Predicting mobility aspirations in Lebanon and Turkey: a data-driven exploration using machine learning
튀르키예 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Data & Policy 발간일 : 2024-10-31 등록일 : 2024-11-27 원문링크
The aspirations-ability framework proposed by Carling has begun to place the question of who aspires to migrate at the center of migration research. In this article, building on key determinants assumed to impact individual migration decisions, we investigate their prediction accuracy when observed in the same dataset and in different mixed-migration contexts. In particular, we use a rigorous model selection approach and develop a machine learning algorithm to analyze two original cross-sectional face-to-face surveys conducted in Turkey and Lebanon among Syrian migrants and their respective host populations in early 2021. Studying similar nationalities in two hosting contexts with a distinct history of both immigration and emigration and large shares of assumed-to-be mobile populations, we illustrate that a) (im)mobility aspirations are hard to predict even under ‘ideal’ methodological circumstances, b) commonly referenced “migration drivers” fail to perform well in predicting migration aspirations in our study contexts, while c) aspects relating to social cohesion, political representation and hope play an important role that warrants more emphasis in future research and policymaking. Methodologically, we identify key challenges in quantitative research on predicting migration aspirations and propose a novel modeling approach to address these challenges.
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