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[보건] Sleep Health Patterns in Romania: Insights from a Nationwide Cross-Sectional Online Survey

루마니아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Brain Sciences 발간일 : 2024-10-29 등록일 : 2024-11-27 원문링크

Background: Sleep is one of the most essential processes for sustaining cognitive, emotional, and physical health across all age groups. Insomnia or inadequate sleep significantly impacts health and poses economic burdens due to increased healthcare costs and reduced productivity. Objectives and Methods: This study aimed to investigate sleep quality in the Romanian active population using an online survey incorporating the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Conducted over four months in 2023, the survey gathered 2243 complete responses from urban and rural residents over the age of 18. Results: The results highlight gender and urban–rural disparities in sleep quality, revealing that females and urban residents experienced poorer sleep compared to their counterparts. Additionally, sleep quality was found to significantly worsen with age, with elders (56+ years) reporting the highest PSQI scores, indicating greater sleep difficulties compared to middle-aged adults and youngsters. A high prevalence of sleep disturbances, daytime dysfunctions, and sleep medication use was reported. Common pre-sleep activities included using electronic devices and watching TV, while fewer participants engaged in reading books or consuming alcohol and caffeine. Additionally, participants’ bedding preferences were documented. Conclusions: Our study highlights the influence of various factors on sleep quality and emphasizes the need for targeted public health interventions to improve sleep health in Romania.

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