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[지역] Features Of Civil Process And Civil Regulation In The Sphere Of The State And Confessional Relations In Armenia, Belarus And Moldova

몰도바 / 벨라루스 / 아르메니아 국외연구자료 학술논문 Nina V. Volodina Pravozaŝitnik (Moskva) 발간일 : 2015-12-31 등록일 : 2018-04-13 원문링크

Features of civil process and civil regulation in the former Soviet Union, in the CIS countries are considered (in Armenia, Belarus, Moldova). Features of the state and confessional relations in each certain state are marked out. It is noted that in the Republic of Armenia the church is separated from the state and freedom of activity to the religious organizations, but at the same time in the Fundamental law of the Armenian church as national, the leading mission for preservation of identity of the Armenian people is taken away is guaranteed. In Belarus the relations of the state and religious associations is under construction on the principles of equality of religions and the rights of citizens independently to define the relation to religions that in general meets the universally recognized international standards, it is rigidly controlled not only activity of religious associations, but also activity of the officials answering for these questions. Republic of Moldova – the secular state, but most of the population adheres to orthodox religion that was reflected in the Law "About Cults" in which the relations of the state with orthodox church are allocated in a special way.

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