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[경제] ASSESSING E-RESILIENCE in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia

몽골 / 카자흐스탄 / 키르기스스탄 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - ESCAP 발간일 : 2021-08-09 등록일 : 2021-08-15 원문링크

This working paper is prepared under the framework of the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway initiative (AP-IS) and provides an overview of policy responses and recommendations to enable the e-resilience of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure and the use of ICT for societal resilience, which is a key component of crisis preparedness and instrumental in deciding on response.

This Working Paper is prepared to support policymakers of three countries - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Mongolia - target countries of the Regional Economic Cooperation and Integration (RECI) - Development Account 11th Tranche project. The paper serves as an example of harnessing the E-resilience monitoring dashboard, developed by ESCAP in 2021, for analysis and a way forward recommendations, responding to the necessity and aspiration of enhancing e-resilience, focusing on the cases of the above three countries.

 In this paper, policymakers from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia may discover key entry points for improvement of e-resilience capacity, or indicate the areas for collaboration, and decide on future direction of ICT policy to grow into a full-fledged e-resilient society through regional cooperation.

This Working Paper and the online e-resilience monitoring dashboard provide scoping of opportunities for countries’ cooperation and highlight the importance of e-resilience along with vital contributions to policy design and reforms that will enable sustainable growth.

The visuals are drawn from the interactive on-line e-resilience monitoring dashboard, available at the ESCAP website with the data sourced from official data for the period covering 2018-2020.

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