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Past and Present Perspectives on Indigenous Tourism in the Pastaza Province of Ecuador: The Case of Kapawi

에콰도르 국외연구자료 기타 Bernardo Peredo (Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford) University of Western Ontario 발간일 : 2016-09-29 등록일 : 2016-09-29 원문링크

Ecuador has a wide range of ecotourism initiatives throughout the country. Since the 1990s, many Indigenous communities have started to organize themselves in order to run their own ecotourism programs. As a result, scholars have suggested that Indigenous ecotourism in Latin America started in Ecuador with the advent of community-owned projects, particularly in the Amazon. One of the first initiatives was Kapawi, located in the Achuar territory of Pastaza Province. The project was initiated by a private tour operator through a joint venture with the Achuar Indigenous organization. A transfer process started in 2008 and Kapawi is now managed by the Achuar communities, with a new set of opportunities and challenges. This article uses data collected from extensive fieldwork to examine the evolution, lessons learned, dynamics, and perspectives of the Kapawi enterprise.

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