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[사회] The podcast in the consumption agenda of Colombian digital users

콜롬비아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Journalism 발간일 : 2024-02-01 등록일 : 2024-02-08 원문링크

The proliferation of smartphones as the hub of consumption through screen devices has created a fresh path for accessing information, entertainment, and musical content. The digital ecosystem is revitalizing sound, and users are venturing into narratives and alternative formats that grab their attention and shape a content regimen that defines their sonosphere. This study centers on assessing audience indicators in digital repositories via surveys and systematized focus groups that characterize podcast listeners in Colombia. The main objective is to evaluate the podcast’s reach, thematic interests and developmental structures. In order to identify gaps for the effective expansion and integration of sound in devices and channels where audio content is widely used, this study examines the impact of podcasts on the sound culture of Colombians. In order to identify gaps for the effective expansion and integration of sound in devices and channels where audio content is widely used, this study examines the impact of podcasts on the sound culture of Colombians. The study also profiles Colombian sound consumers through display devices in the current radio landscape. The podcast serves as a means of linking novel audiences with auditory communication, a triangulation of radio content, music, and podcasts which syncs with digital consumption trends and deviates from the simultaneous and drawn-out consumption of radio broadcasts.

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