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[사회] International Migration - Major Trends in Demography: A Hungarian Example

헝가리 국외연구자료 학술논문 Pál Péter Tóth Finnish Yearbook of Population Research 발간일 : 2003-12-31 등록일 : 2018-04-06 원문링크

Besides fertility and mortality and the balance between the two, migration also injluences population development in terms af size, sex and age composition. Through the analysis af population development in Hungary, this paper investigated the role af international migration in demographic processes. Wehave followed closely the process in which, after the demographic catastrophes in Hungarian history (1239-1290 and 1550-1650), the missing population was replaced by foreigners settling down in Hungary. The role played by this settled population has been examined as well. We have outlined the ejfects ofthe third demographic disaster (1914-20), which has determined the development af Hungarian population up till the present day. As a consequence af the peace treaties at the end af World War I Hungary lost two-thirds of its population, thereby changing the structure af the population profoundly. Besides the above-mentioned processes we have demonstrated the direct and indirect ejfects af contemporary migration on the development af population size. We have also dealt with the migratory losses caused by the revolution af 1956 and the decades afterwards and we have shown the way net migration has injluenced the composition af the Hungarian population between 1881 and 1990. The migratory balance af Hungary has been negative ever since 1901, which has also contributed ta thefact that the Hungarian population started decreasing two decades before this occurred in the majority af European states.

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