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Towards Quality Assurance in Business Education in Nigeria: Constraints and Control

나이지리아 국외연구자료 기타 Onyesom, Moses Ashibogwu, Nze Kingsley Asian Journal of Business Management 발간일 : 2013-06-15 등록일 : 2016-05-17 원문링크

This study x-rays the concept of quality assurance in business education programs in Nigeria with particular reference to its constraints and control measures. The importance of quality business education in nation building cannot be overemphasized. The whole essence of quality assurance in business education is to enhance and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the system towards achieving the set standards. However, in recent times, evidences abound that the education system in Nigeria (business education inclusive) is performing below expectations. Although, quality assurance of business education program in Nigeria may have been jeopardized by several factors such as poor evaluation program, inadequate funding, poor supervision, attitudinal failure among others but the situation can be reversed and revamped for quality to be guaranteed. Hence, there has been a concerted effort targeted at ameliorating this deplorable situation. It was based on this therefore, that this study suggested some control measures that could help to enhance the quality of business education in Nigeria. Consequently, the paper drew a conclusion for the subject matter and it was recommended among others that there should be a positive attitudinal change, internal integrity and commitment by all stakeholders to the whole issues of education for quality to be assured in business education in Nigeria.

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