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[정치외교] Analysis of China and Japan’s Strategies in Africa and Implications for the Republic of Korea

아프리카ㆍ 중동 일반 국내연구자료 연구보고서 변웅 외교안보연구소 발간일 : 2013-10-25 등록일 : 2019-06-14 원문링크

(IFANS Brief 2013-34)

Analysis of China and Japan’s Strategies in Africa and Implications for the Republic of Korea

- BYUN Oung

1. Comparison of China and Japan's Policies toward Africa

1-1. Discursive strategies

1-2. Organizational strategies

1-3. Development, trade, and industrial strategies

2. Strategy Implications for the Republic of Korea

2-1. Discursive strategy: mapping out the strategy of “Empathy Diplomacy” toward Africa

2-2. Organizational strategy: the need to take a multilateral and regional approach

2-3. Development, trade, and industrial strategies: formulating and implementing a bottom-up development policy

2-4. Soft power strategy: the need to view Africa from the Africans’ perspective

3. Policy Recommendations

3-1. Forming strategic partnerships with international and regional organizations

3-2. Forming strategic partnerships with African academic institutions

3-3. Creating the “African boom” in Korea


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