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[경제] Economic Assessment of Rising Poverty in Nigeria: Implication on Quality of Life

나이지리아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Federal University 발간일 : 2024-06-01 등록일 : 2024-06-07 원문링크

This paper has adopted ARDL to assess the implication of mounting poverty on quality of life in Nigeria. HDI was used as a proxy to quality of life while poverty, investment as a percentage of a GDP and interest rate was used as a controlled variable. daunting challenges over the years of nationhood is that of tackling poverty in the midst of abundance resources that nature and  divinity has endowed  the country with; hence the proliferation  of plethora  of programs to  alleviate nay eradicate this hydra-headed monster without any significant evidence. The result of the bounds test to cointegration indicates that there is long-run equilibrium relationship  between poverty and quality of life in Nigeria within the study period. And the result of the long run estimation revealed that poverty has negative and significant relationship with quality of  life at 1% level of significant,   but   investment   is   found   to have negative and insignificant  relationship with quality of life at 0% level of significance while interest rate has positive but  insignificant relationship with quality of life. However, in the short run the results reveals there exist a significant negative relationship between poverty and quality of life. This means that, a 1% level of significance, this implies that poverty tends to decrease quality of life in the short-run while investment has a positive and significant relationship with quality of life, this implies that investment tend to increase quality of life at 1% level of significance while interest rate has a   positive   but   insignificant   relationship   with   quality   of   life.   Therefore   it   was   highly  recommends from the study that efficient government intervention in the area of education,  expanding economic capabilities and embracing technology, health care and well-being are  very essential.

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