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[경제] Analyzing the Factors Affecting the Success and Failure of Technological Researches in the Water Industry in Iran

이란 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Agricultural Water Management 발간일 : 2024-05-01 등록일 : 2024-06-07 원문링크

Due to the water crisis, drought, population increase, and lack of conventional water resources, the use of new technologies to use unconventional water and manage consumption in different sectors is highly needed. Therefore, it is necessary to scrutinize the existing problems and provide remedial solutions for introducing new technologies in the water industry. In the present study, the factors affecting the success and failure of technological research in Iran's water industry were analyzed to identify the reasons for not applying and non-implementation the country's water technological projects, inventions, and research. To provide effective solutions to strengthen the success and prevent the failure of water technologies, 15 questionnaires based on the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) were completed by experts, experienced, knowledgeable, and proficient in the subject in the autumn and winter of 2022 and the results analyzed in the spring of 2023. According to the purpose of the study, the hierarchical structure included four technical, economic, social, and environmental criteria, each of which had four sub-criteria. After completing the questionnaires, the weights of criteria and sub-criteria were determined using Expert Choice software. To measure the accuracy of completed questionnaires, the inconsistency rate was calculated and equaled 0.09, less than the limit (0.1). The examination of the final weight of each of the sub-criteria showed that the first to third rank among all the investigated factors in the four main criteria, respectively, the ease of repair sub-criteria (S1) of the technical criteria with a final weight of 0.243, useful life (S4) from the technical criteria with a weight of 0.158 and the operation and maintenance cost (W4) from the economic criteria with a weight of 0.120. In general, the first two factors in the technical criteria and the superior factor in the economic criteria play a role as the most effective factors in the effectiveness of strengthening the success and preventing the failure of water technologies. These sub-criteria must be provided in new technologies. The general ranking of the sub-criteria shows that out of the first eight factors that got the most points, seven are related to technical and economic criteria, and paying attention to them guarantees the success of technological projects in the water industry. On the other hand, out of the last six items, four items were related to the sub-criteria of the social criteria and had the lowest final weight. The three sub-criteria whose final weight was lower than the others were included O3 (user literacy level with a final weight of 0.002), T3 (compatibility with the climate with a final weight of 0.004), and O2 (government facilities with a final weight of 0.007). In general, the environmental and social sub-criteria were among the less important factors, which is surprising because these two important topics were not considered, as they should be. The final weight of the main criteria, including technical, economic, environmental, and social, was obtained as 0.522, 0.320, 0.108, and 0.049, respectively. It is worth noting that not paying attention to social and environmental issues will be the foundation of the failure of water technological projects, the limiting factor of development, and one of the main reasons for the non-implementation of inventions and innovations in the water industry. The result of this research can be placed on the agenda of trustees and officials as a management and decision-making tool.

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